Monthly Archives: December 2008

Installing Patch 1 for NetBeans 6.5

First patch for NetBeans 6.5 was published on December 9th 2008.It brings number of enhancements and bug fixes.

Patch should be installed through NetBeans update process.

Open Tools -> Plugins menu.

In Updates tab, after clicking Reload Catalog button we’ll see ‘Auto Update Services’ available:


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How to Install Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) on Ubuntu / Linux

Eclipse is leading open source development environments for Java, with support for JEE and JME development and entire ecosystem of plugins that makes it suitable for any software development task.

At the moment of writing, Ubuntu repositories contain Eclipse 3.2.2 while latest release is version 3.4.1. If one wants to stay current with Eclipse version, it has to be installed manually.

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Customizing PMD rules on NetBeans 6.5

In previous article we have shown how to install and run PMD plugin in NetBeans and how to interpret the analysis report. In this tutorial we will show how to choose rules that are applicable to our project and how to define our own rules if predefined doesn’t satisfy our need.

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